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Specific and real-time contamination and mass metrics for businesses, governments, and above all – the people. 

Waste filling up animation GIF

“Why should I?”

Just like the history of a product does not start when the user first uses it, it also does not finish when the use comes to an end.
Waste hygiene is potentially the strongest determinant of sustainability reputation and trustworthiness.

“You cannot improve what you do not measure.” – Peter Drucker
“So, let’s finally measure to improve your waste.” – WasteLocker

Accuracy for ESG + CSRD
Push it under the rug? No way!
The most accurate data gathered at source.
We can tell you how many red cans ended up in your trash and whether they appear more often right after a movie night.
Plus, we keep your audits sorted!
Build trust
We have found that 3 out of 4 items are wrong in a typical paper container.
Honestly, this just turns it into mixed waste.
We can tell you about this before anyone else does, and eliminate camouflaged mixed waste!
Well, not just the Planet, but also on your utility bills.
The stuff will end up in the right bins. Plus if you know how full they are, they can be emptied at optimal fill levels.
Get more out of your sorting effort!

“What can you deliver?”

A personalised approach for an informed and efficient in-house waste management.

Reporting and analytics
See constant updates of your waste flows and their contents whenever you want, even in real time.
That’s how you’ll hit you zero-waste targets.
Your stuff, sorted
We won’t just give you data, but insight.
We can give you tips at how to increase your organisation's awareness, optimise processes, and educate your employees.
We align waste to your KPI-s.
5 stars out of 5
You get the best insight into what’s happening in the dark side of the bin. We take care of the rest.
If anything goes haywire, you’ll be the first to know, and have a solution on the table.

“So what do you actually do?”

Data collection
First, we put a sensor module inside any existing waste container to gather data.
We then securely monitor the contents and any changes to it (protocol developed with Philips Germany).
We send you feedback about the flows, flaws and fame. We cover the „where“, „when“ and „what“ in the most precise way.

Most importantly: we engage your company team members like never before and build a strong bond.
Describe us your waste generation case and we design a custom solution for data gathering, analysis, reporting and advice for your needs – anywhere. We got you covered from outdoor events to offices alike.

“And who makes it happen?”

Seven talents in IoT, system security, coding, modeling, design and policy combine their passion to move the world, one candy wrapper at a time.

Picture of Mark Skljarov
Mark Skljarov
Chief Executive Officer
Mark is a true fan of partnerships and a green transition advocate. He is a Climate Pact Ambassador, PhD Researcher, and a Changemaker for the World. With a leadership and management experience transversing both civil engineering and IT fields, he spearheads WasteLocker by solving challenges creatively.
Picture of Kristjan Variksoo
Kristjan Variksoo
Chief Technology Officer
The late grandfather of Kristjan was one of the handful of people in charge of the computing centers of Estonia. The path to technology was obvious. Starting with competing in robotics internationally, and going on to do a degree in Computer Science while working to strengthen country’s defenses working for the Estonian Defence Forces Cyber Command.
Picture of Hannes Härm
Hannes Härm
Chief Informations Officer
At WasteLocker Hannes oversees the process of web application and services' developement. He brings a combination of academic and real-world experience to the table. His path began as a teacher, where he had the privilege to mentor young minds. This started his journey for a greater world impact.
Kristi Tamtik
Chief Operations Officer
Kristi is a people person with a wealth of leadership experience and a profound understanding of business processes. In her role, she plays a crucial part in ensuring the smooth operation of our day-to-day activities, contributing significantly to our continuous growth and success.
Imad Eddine Oubiri
International Relations Strategist
Mr. Oubiri has played a significant role in strengthening economic ties between local public and private sector stakeholders and various prominent international organizations and institutions. Known for his enthusiasm and dedication, Mr. Oubiri actively mentors and coaches businesses, startups, students, and community members. He serves as a bridge between academia, science, and business, contributing to the development of initiatives that enhance the institutions he works for. Throughout his extensive professional history, he has contributed to numerous economic investment development initiatives between the public and private sectors (PPP), attracting official diplomatic business delegations and trade missions to the UAE and beyond.Devoted to sharing his professional knowledge and experience in international business development, he regularly contributes through publications and articles in various local periodicals in both Arabic and English. Additionally, he is a sought-after speaker at numerous forums and media outlets.

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Picture of Karlis Goldstein
Karlis Goldstein
Expert Advisor
Karlis is an expert in sustainability and energy, with experience in managing change in both the private and public sectors. With over 15+ years in various governmental positions working with EU legislation, including being a green policy advisor at the EC Cabinet, he knows a thing or two about circularity.
Marianne Lapin
Design Manager
Marianne, studying visual communication at the Estonian Academy of Arts, contributes vital graphic design and UX skills to WasteLocker. Outwardly quiet, her internal drive for adventure and exploration motivates her to help with various tasks as much as possible.
Picture of Jan Erik Praks
Jan Erik Praks
Jan is a designer who has the final word on every and anything user facing. By education an engineer and work experience in both industrial manufacturing and design.

“Are you for real?”

Yes, we are. And we mean business. Here’s a selection of companies and organisations that can vouch for us. Get in touch and we’ll tell you more.

Nordea logo
Telia logo
Rimi logo
Nõmme logo
Toidupank logo

We believe innovation and success come from building strong collaborations. We are proud to have worked with these stellar partners and for having had the best conditions to learn and grow together with them!

New European Bauhaus logo
EIT food logo
Philips Logo
Siemens logo
Tootjavastutusorganisatsioon logo
Prototron logo

“What have you done so far?”

We have stuck to our „zebra“ vision – braking ground and making space for other companies to follow suit for proper waste. Sorted. Here are some stories.


We are glad to inform that we have received support from EAS for our expansion project.
WasteLocker is entering the GCC region and strengthening its presence in Finland. The project includes pilot projects, test marketing, adapting sales strategies, and building partnerships with local businesses. Successful implementation of the project will contribute to promoting the circular economy, achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and fostering a cleaner living environment.
The grant amount is 50 000 euros.
The project is financed from the state budget from the means of financing research and development activities (teadus- ja arendustegevuse rahastamise vahendid).

Check us out on social media @wastelocker everywhere!

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